Penticton House Cleaning

Yuck! I am not a fan, but when I buckle down and do a good clean in my place, I like to use natural products…..Norwex is my brand of choice. It’s all chemical free, clinically tested and the micro fibre cloths will blow you away!

Onto those who saved me during tough times….

I recently underwent some extensive home and life renovations, funny how those 2 events seem to go hand in hand. After heading to Montreal and Vancouver, I came home to a mid-renovation mess of a household; I felt extremely overwhelmed and my first thought was to take a match to it all and walk away. But once I gathered my thoughts, I created a large to-do list, starting with calling in the troops to turn my disaster into a livable household.

My first call was to some good friends of mine, Margita Heggie and Jillian Dupont, owners of La Maison Verte, a local home, and commercial cleaning company. After explaining my situation, Margita came in with her crew and bit by bit worked her way through the inside and outside of my home. A few days of hard work and La Maison Verte team worked miracles on my cute little home. I put the matches back in the drawer and gave Margita a large hug in appreciation. It is impossible for me not to recommend her services to anyone who just needs to clear their head, clutter, and home. Give yourselves a break and let these trustworthy people help. I am going to get La Maison Verte to come to my house on a weekly (bi-weekly) schedule. They were great with my dogs, my possessions and even an unexpected guest who showed up a few times in the least friendly manner.